Business Copywriting Services for the Web and for Print

What makes Web businesses both user- and search engine-friendly is content: the information, explanation and directions on a Web site that illuminate and motivate. In the early days of the Web, the general belief was that if you built a site people would come, and once arrived would stay to learn, buy or be entertained. But now, in the aftermath of the dot-com meltdown, we know that isn’t inherently the case. Your site is one of millions cluttering the Web, and what will set you above the countless others related to your subject or product is your site’s design and content.

Internet businesses, whether they exist only on the Web or serve as a compliment to a brick-and-mortar business, are unique in that there is no face-to-face element to help create the right atmosphere. No site will have the same authoritative feel of a reference library, the opulence of a fine jeweler’s or the comfortable bucolic smell of a feed store. The virtual atmosphere of your business relies on the Web’s sterile interpretation of what you have to offer, and one of the few ways to distinguish yourself and to create an ambiance is through carefully crafted words.

How these words should be assembled depends upon your audience. If your business sells beachwear, the copy should be as light and carefree as your product line. If your site is designed to provide coping suggestions to people dealing with illness, it should be dense with information and respectful without being morose. If your business sells technology, your site should be replete with all the latest buzzwords needed to demonstrate your savvy and modernity. Whatever your enterprise, the words you choose should convey the tone of a professional endeavor, elevating it above 90% of what currently resides on the Web.

At, we analyze your business and write unique copy designed to compel, entertain, inform and inspire. Whether you need to text for your Web site or for print materials such as brochures, books, business proposals or ad copy, we’re here to help. If you’d like to ask a question or get a quote on a project, we invite you to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.